I am truly blessed to have crossed paths with Jade. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all that her classes have done not only for me but for my family. I have taken Jade’s meditation classes and through them I have learned so much about myself. How I think, how I process, and how I view the world. I have become more present and mindful. I have been teaching my 6 and 3 year old children how to meditate and how to be aware of their own higher self. It truly makes my heart smiles as I see my girls become more peaceful, present, and healthier because they now have tools to release any negative energy and how to “recycle” it into pure clean positive nourishment energy. I am so excited to continue my growth with Jade’s classes. Words can not due justice to explain how forever grateful I am for all of Jades teachings. I am truly fortunate to have shared this Journey with Jade.